Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Cold War is Ended! Long Live the Cold War!

The Bush Administration not only advocates and practices total war, they are architects of re-creating Cold War conditions in Europe by insisting on their Maginot Line in Space, or the BMD locales in the Czech Republic and Poland. Bush insists that they are protecting Europe from a missile strike from Iran, yet they pledge that Iran will not be allowed any nuclear weapons, and Iran has yet to have the ballistic capability as of yet. Really, who can blame Putin?
This Administration has put US vs. Them everywhere on the globe and if anyone feels more secure with Bush and Cheney running foreign policy they must be comatose. It is humorous that Bush belongs to the GOP that brags that their icon, Ronald Reagan, 'won the Cold War'(which is poppy-cock). Well the GOP re-started it. The Republican Party erroneously boasts as well about being frugal with tax-money but wastes billions on a useless missile defense system. That's your *fiscal conservatives* at their finest......

Many bemoan the violence at the G-8 summit in Rostock -which is over-inflated by the news media anyway. The violence is by a few token groups and most are peaceful. Regardless, violence is understandable. The young people of the globe have been lied to, conned, and shat upon by these political leaders whose policies are taking away their future. The political parties do not represent their views as they should so protest is about their only way to convey their anger and frustration. These heads of governments at the G-8 and WTO summits are the real criminals and it is right that they are shown to be so.....

Dennis Kucinich has about 1% approval rating in the Democratic Party poll so he is a long, long, shot, the darkest horse of them all. Still, with unified anti-globalist support from both sides of the political spectrum, at least perhaps greater attention to the core issues will be picked up by the media and the other candidates still searching for their soul. Kucinich can still be a player in the party's platform organizing if he shows better than expected in next year's primaries......

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